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All We Need is Love

Passion for the LORD, passion for souls, and passion to see communities changed and transformed by the love of Jesus...this is what drives ImageMakers Ministries.

Many times, people ask us, "Aren't you scared to go into these neighborhoods?" No, we aren't...because the safest place to be is in the will of God.

Many times, people ask us, "Aren't you scared of the people in the neighborhoods?" No, we aren't...because all anyone is really looking for is love, acceptance, and authenticity. We have the privilege of tangibly sharing the love of Jesus.

But we absolutely cannot do this without the Body of Christ partnering with us. We understand - frontline ministry in the inner city isn't for everyone. Your ministry may be on your job, in your home, in another country. But we still need you to help us to love on those who have been abused...those who have been abandoned...those who have been neglected.

We have responded to the call of God and have taken the leap of faith into full-time missions.

When GOD brought us together 20 years ago, we never could have imagined the assignment that He had in store for us.

And we would not trade it for anything!

To be on the frontlines of hard-core ministry, to see souls saved and lives changed, to have the privilege of loving on the unloved…to be able to walk with and cry with and pray with the hurting, all the way to the Cross, and to see them healed and smiling because of the love of Jesus…it is worth it all! Yes, we have struggles and challenges. The fight is fierce! And that’s an understatement. But...it is worth it all! The joys, the tears, the hopes, the fears…it is worth it all! To share the heart of the Father, to give the hope that is found in the blood of Jesus, to offer the comfort of the Holy Spirit…it is worth it all!

Will you partner with us?

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. The needs are great. The opportunities are that much greater. We invite you to come, see the work that God is doing in Baltimore.

We also invite you to be involved in The Kingdom House on Saturday, June 4. Find out more by clicking here.


“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Philippians 1:3-5 (ESV)


Please feel free to click on the links below if you've missed the last few newsletters and check out the work that is going on in Baltimore. And then reach out to us.


CAMP LIFELINE Giving children the opportunity to experience life outside of their neighborhoods for six days during the summer. Our mission is to see every camper choose to be transformed into the image of Jesus, and receive the tools to be peacemakers in their communities!


Providing critical assistance for

immediate needs

(food, clothes, household supplies),

emergency relief

(housing, help for addictions. etc),

and special occasions

back to school, Christmas, etc.).

The Kingdom House is a place of peace and rest, where the broken, the downtrodden, the abused, and the weary can experience the presence of GOD and be restored, rejuvenated, and revitalized physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


With The Sound, we present the Gospel 24/7

via online radio in a format

that transcends traditional boundaries

to reach the unchurched with the love of Christ, through their love for music…

featuring Christian hip hop, rap, and R&B.


[Under development]

Establishing training centers in under-resourced neighborhoods to provide the technical, career, and life skills needed for success and transformation

Will You Join Us in Meeting the Need?

Reach out to us today: www.ImageMakersMinistries.com ImageMakersMinistries@gmail.com Donate today: www.ImageMakersMinistries.com/donate Cash App: $TransformALife

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