Transform and empower
youth and young adults
in under-resourced neighborhoods to be
and to provide them
with the tools they need for
restoration, rejuvenation, & revitalization
of themselves, their families and communities
into the
image of God.

José and Shari Cuesta have a passion to reach the lost for Christ. Their regional mission field is the youth and young adults in the underserved areas of Baltimore MD, Washington DC, and Frederick MD – areas known for high crime, violence, and drug activity. Their passion is to win souls for Christ and empower them to live overcoming lives.
A native of Washington D.C., José was born into a Cuban-American family. At a very young age, he was led into a life of drugs and crime. His ambition at that time was to continue dealing drugs and make as much money as possible. He rose through the ranks and even brought drugs into the country. However, he eventually became captive to the very drugs he sold. After hitting rock bottom, he gave his life to the Lord and graduated from Teen Challenge, a program dedicated to help those with life-controlling problems.
José is a 20-year veteran of broadcast communication. He has worked in many major market radio stations and successfully hosted “Weekends with DatDude JC” a music-intensive show that addressed the issues and events that affect our community, nation, and our world. He has received many accolades for his on-the-edge style of hosting. He left this very successful career in pursuit of full-time ministry for the Cross.
Shari grew up in frontline ministry in the heart of the inner city of Washington, DC. She used her degree in education to not only teach children and youth in under-resourced communities, but to minister to them as well. She continues to utilize her skills in education by training children and adults of all age levels in values-based curriculum, conflict resolution, and leadership skills. In addition to her work with the local community, Shari ministered to the international community for several years through her work with a nonprofit organization that is devoted to providing assistance, advocacy, and awareness for Christians who are being persecuted for their faith worldwide. Shari is also a gifted administrator, with over 20 years of professional administrative and operational experience.
Together, José and Shari are dedicated to winning souls for Christ. Their passion is to intercede on behalf of lost, broken, and hurting souls to see them healed, delivered, and set free in the Kingdom of God. They do not fear the condition of the neighborhoods where ministry takes them – their burden is for the condition of the hearts of those to whom they minister. They have found that traditional methods of evangelism do not appeal to today’s urban youth; so they present the message of the Gospel in a format that transcends traditional boundaries and reaches the unchurched, underground, and unsuspecting audience with the love of Christ.