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Featured spotlight: THE SOUND!


Each week, we will be presenting various ways that we share the love of Christ. This week's featured spotlight is "The Sound: Inspirational Music Turned Upside Down!"

With The Sound, we present the Gospel 24/7 via online radio in a format that transcends traditional boundaries to reach the unchurched with the love of Christ, through their love for music…featuring Christian hip hop, rap, and R&B. If you know a youth or young adult who's into hip hop, rap, and R&B, share this station with them!

The Artists

Ok…so we know that hip hop, rap, and R&B aren’t for everyone. But check out these two artists. The are the real deal!

International Show gave up a lucrative career in the secular music industry for JESUS. He has quite a testimony! And this worship is powerful!

This song is called Worship Your Name! Yes! A Christian rapper is worshipping GOD through his music! We worship YOUR Name!!! Hallelujah!!!

You will definitely not be able to find our next artist, Kieran the Light, neatly packaged in a "church box" with "clean Christianity" on a Sunday morning. Why? Because he is exposing evil and shining the light on the Truth! He is saying things that many churches are afraid to address. Check out the lyrics on this song...deep!


This is what we play on The Sound because we expose the dark and shine light on the Truth of GOD's Word and HIS love.

The Sound in the Streets

The Sound is not just about playing music on the radio...we take it to the streets! If we want to reach the unchurched for JESUS, we have to go to the streets!

So what is The Sound in the Streets? It could look like an outdoor concert...or a "fun day" with games and vendors and sports...or a parade with marching bands...or a block party...or a pop-up church! In the middle of everything, we hit them with the Word of GOD and then have an altar call...right there in the streets!!! It's all about lifting up the Name of JESUS!

It's innovative evangelistic outreaches that cultivate community betterment and empowerment in the Kingdom via the Mobile Groove (pop-up church) and other creative efforts to reach souls with the Gospel.

Call to Action

The Sound is one of the ways that we reach youth and young adults for CHRIST. Many times, these youth do not want to come into the doors of a church. So we go to where they are...with the music they love...and provide what they need: acceptance, love and authenticity through JESUS.

But we absolutely cannot do this without YOU, partnering together with us. We are 100% dependent on GOD as our Source. We are asking you to be one of HIS resources. As He touches your heart, please do not ignore His call. Please don't just so, "Oh that's great what they are doing," and move on to the next matter on your agenda. Respond today and get involved.

Here's how:

  1. Intern - we are looking for an intern for The Sound

  2. Volunteer - you can volunteer at one of our events or outreaches

  3. Give! No one is getting paid for what they do here. But we always have expenses. Specifically:

  • $100 per month to keep The Sound on the air

  • $500 to do a small event

  • $2000 to do a major outreach

Anything and everything helps! Whether you give small or large...whether giving a one-time gift or becoming a monthly partner. Please also consider giving towards our personal support, as we are doing this full-time.

Donate today!

And as always, keep us in prayer! For the transformation and empowerment of souls in Baltimore.

Baltimore is holy ground, in JESUS' Name!!!

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ImageMakers Ministries provides services to those in need, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. 

© 2024 by ImageMakers Ministries  |  Photos by LilliJo and ImageMakers Ministries

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