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Camp Lifeline is coming!

Camp Lifeline is on for this year!!! We are excited, geared up and ready for our campers. We have committed to prayer on this matter and God has said “YES!” For five full days, campers will enjoy:

  • Nightly chapel gatherings

  • Daily Bible studies

  • Daily outdoor and indoor recreational activities

  • Three meals prepared daily by a professional chef

  • Peacekeepers curriculum

Our campers come from desperate circumstances. Aside from the opportunity to attend Camp Lifeline, they would be forced to stay in the violent environment that they face on a daily basis. Having no safe place outside of their home, they must stay in the house for their safety.

Sponsor a Child!

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these kids and help them attend Camp Lifeline. Will you sponsor a child for summer camp? For $200, you can sponsor a child to attend Camp Lifeline and participate in all of the programs mentioned above. But more than that…each child will be showered with the love of Jesus and given hope for a great and prosperous future. We pray that you will respond to the call and sponsor a child to one of the most exciting camps, ministering to the spiritual needs of our inner city children of Baltimore.

To sponsor a child, please click here and indicate "Camp Lifeline - Sponsor A Child" on your donation.

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