Let me introduce you to Nichole, who came to the Kingdom House after she found herself homeless with her two young daughters. Nichole and her daughters were received with open arms and great love. While there, Nichole and her daughters experienced the peace of the Kingdom House and received the love of God.

Nichole’s daughters are six and ten years old. It was amazing to see how they began to transform from kids that were desperate, leading a homeless lifestyle, to now resting and at peace, as they began to experience the security and the warmth of a safe and loving environment with people they could trust.

Nichole’s story doesn't end there. While staying at the Kingdom House, Nichole and her two daughters accepted Jesus Christ! After accepting Jesus, she stated that she felt a peace unlike she's ever felt before. Hallelujah!
But that's not all! Nichole is finally in her own house. She was able to take advantage of some programs and resources available to single mothers in Baltimore city, and this year, she will be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas in her own safe place with her two daughters.
Life stories like this can only be made possible by ministry partners like yourselves. Together, we make the difference in many lives that come to us with no hope of any type of a positive future. But with the power of Jesus Christ, they now find hope, peace, and a joy that they've never experienced.