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The Countdown is On! Give Thanksgiving to Baltimore Families & Children!


Let the Lord be praised!

There is no greater place I would rather be than in the presence of God and performing His perfect will as designed by Him for His people. Last week the leaders of ImageMakers Ministries were honored by leaders of Sandtown-Winchester community for our work in the community of Sandtown-Winchester. It was a humbling experience as many of the people that we serve were on hand to congratulate and love on our staff for their tireless efforts to bring Jesus and the “Great News” of redemption, love, forgiveness and joy to the mission field that we serve.

With so much happening in our schools today and all of the anti-social behavior and dark character being thrust upon our children, Shari and I have drawn a line in the sand and have put the kingdom of darkness on notice: ”You will not have our kids and we are not interested in your godless and demonic agenda, in Jesus' Name!”

This has been our platform from day one and we have taught our youth in Sandtown-Winchester that they have authority to resist the evils that they may encounter, both in and out of school. Through our curriculum of “Peace Makers,” many parents, too, have learned to embrace more fruit of the Spirit and lessen disruptive behavior in the flesh. We praise God for victories!!!

Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway

We are approaching the deadline to complete our orders for the Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway. Our deadline is November 8 and we are part way there to achieving our goal of 600 meals. We pray that you will stand with us to bring an offering of love to families that won’t have the resources to provide the items for a proper Thanksgiving meal.

This year our baskets are being purchased for $30.00 per basket that will feed a family of four. Each family receives the following:

1 Whole chicken
Ground sausage
Beef portions
Elbow macaroni
Stuffing mix
10-12 pounds fresh fruit & vegetables

In closing, we are excited for Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway 2024 because we not only get to assist families have a memorable Thanksgiving, but we are privileged to share the message of salvation, pray for people as they turn their hearts and lives over to our great and mighty God. Thank you for walking with us in this endeavor as we not only meet the need but respond to the call and embrace Proverbs 22:9,

“The generous will be blessed for they share their food with the poor.”

Donate online by clicking here. and select "Thanksgiving Day Giveaway"

Donate by check:

ImageMakers Ministries

3814 Boteler Road

Mt Airy, MD 21771

GOAL: 600 Baskets 

Deadline to donate: November 8

For other options: (Venmo, Zelle, or Cash  App), contact us at (240) 422-0049 or ImageMakersMinistries@gmail.com, or click here.

We pray that you will partner with us for a great cause and an even greater blessing. Please feel free to share with your churches, family, and friends. Together, we can make a difference in the Kingdom!

Thank you so much for your partnership. We greatly value your continued prayers for the Lord to transform the city of Baltimore for His Glory!

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ImageMakers Ministries provides services to those in need, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. 

© 2024 by ImageMakers Ministries  |  Photos by LilliJo and ImageMakers Ministries

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