It's Christmas Toy Mania!
Christmas is coming up quickly and we are reaching out to kids in some of the toughest neighborhoods in Baltimore, MD. We have adopted two schools with a total of 600 students, with 95 percent living below poverty. In fact, 40 students are homeless and are bussed to school from all over Baltimore!
Our goal is to give Christmas to each child and their parent. The families would not otherwise have a gift to open on Christmas. Will you help us?
The children we serve come from single parent homes or no parent homes where the kids are homeless or living with a family member like an aunt or grandmother. It is inconceivable to think that a child would wake up on Christmas morning and not have toys to unwrap and experience what kids that live in financially stable homes experience. Will you help us?
In addition to giving a toy, we also share the love of Christ with each person. Our desire is to see entire families come to know Christ and receive the gift of salvation. Will you help us?

December 11
Deadline for monetary donations to be received. We will purchase a brand new gift with your donation.

December 12
Deadline for toys to be received.
Note: Toys should be brand new and unwrapped.

December 19
Baltimore, MD

Would you join us in interceding for the Christmas outreach? We need prayer especially in the following areas:
Effective presentation of the Gospel and that each person will feel the love of Christ
Salvation of children and families
Provision of toys
Provision of other related costs and expenses
Wisdom regarding all logistics
Protection, especially from the pandemic
Volunteers to serve
Effective follow-up and discipleship of all children and families
Please complete the form below to let us know that you will be joining in prayer. We greatly appreciate and value your prayer and intercession!
The only way we can effectively carry out this outreach is through partners such as yourself. Here are opportunities to volunteer:
We need a solid crew of volunteers on the day of the event to help set up, organize, implement, and pack up.
If you are skilled administratively, there is also opportunity to aid prior to and following the event.
If you have a large vehicle, you may be able to help with transportation.
Please complete the form below and let us know your availability. We will be in touch with more details regarding times and location.
Thank you for your willingness to serve together with us for the Kingdom of God!
Would you consider partnering with us by giving to the Christmas Outreach?
Purchase a brand new toy for a child up to 14 years old. Please click here for the Amazon wish list.
Make a donation to provide for the children in Baltimore. Please click here to donate.*
Make a donation towards the related expenses of the outreach. There are many additional costs necessary to effectively run an event to reach 500 families for Christ. If you would like to help alleviate the financial burden, please click here and note "expenses" in the memo.
*Please note that we need to receive all donations by December 11. Thank you for your generosity!


Thank you for submitting! We will be in touch soon.