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Christmas Outreach 2021: Toy Mania!

The years 2020 and 2021 have been difficult for so many of us. COVID has taken its toll on so many lives, households and even the course of our lives. First, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who prayed for our family during the year 2021. It was definitely a year of health challenges, but through your prayers of faith and the power of God, we were able to weather each situation and regain control of our health. Hallelujah!

Last year, many of you participated in our Christmas toy drive as we planned to bless many of the children in Baltimore city with an expectancy of just 300 to 400 toys. God made it possible for us to hand out over 1,100 toys in three separate communities at the same time! God made a vision a total reality and did it His way…and for that we are grateful.

We are also grateful for many of our ministry partners, such as yourself, who donated money and toys, prayed, and even volunteered to help us with the event.

Christmas Outreach 2021: Toy Mania!

This year, we are calling for our ministry partners to help bring joy to many kids in Baltimore city who won’t experience Christmas the way most of us normally do. Join us for the 2021 Christmas Toy Mania! We are really excited this year, as we have continually seen God’s hand move over the people we minister to in Baltimore city. Will you help us show the love of Jesus to so many that are in need of the love of God? There are several ways to be involved:

Purchase a gift!

You can either send the funds to us, and we will purchase a gift...or you can purchase the gift and have it shipped to us. Last year, we were able to surprise parents with a small, special gift as well. Imagine their smiles!

Please note that we need to receive gifts and/or funding by Saturday, December 11, so that we can purchase and prepare everything that is needed.

Volunteer or Pray!

We need plenty of volunteers to serve on Saturday, December 18, in Baltimore, to make this work!

We also need much prayer - for logistics, provision, protection, and the transformation of Jesus in the lives of all who participate.

There’s no greater feeling in the world than to know that you responded to the call of God to assist our beautiful children as we continue to present the Gospel in tangible form. We are excited that, together, we can make sure our kids will have a gift or two under the tree to open on Christmas morning. More importantly, we have provided a miracle for many of our kids who know they won’t be getting anything for Christmas due to personal home circumstances. We look forward to a great Christmas giveaway as we partner together for Christmas Toy Mania.

Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year! Not only do we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, but just as wise men brought gifts to Jesus, we can bring gifts to those who are less fortunate.

Thank you for being involved in our ministry and we thank you for the blessing that you’ll provide for many of our young people in Baltimore.

For more information, visit www.ImageMakersMinistries.com/Christmas2021

Christmas Toy Mania! Tangibly sharing the love of Jesus to children and families in Baltimore, MD When: Saturday, December 18

Where: Baltimore, MD

Please respond by: Saturday, December 11

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